The Binding of Isaac: Revelations Wiki

Achievements are goals set by the game that are unlocked for players after completing challenges, reaching certain milestones, achieving hidden goals, or unlocking certain items. Revelations adds a few custom achievements. Players should note that these are not Steam Achievements. These are custom achievements that Revelations have added to the game itself.

All Achievements[]

Name Image Description Unlock
Willo Willo Unlocked a new item. Choose the Pact of Radiance in the Glacier.
Ice Tray Achievement icetray (alt) Unlocked a new item. Complete the Glacier for the first time.
Champions (Glacier) Achievement championboss (alt) New boss champions. Defeat all bosses from the first chapter (all Glacier bosses, including Punker).
Bandage Baby Bandagebaby Unlocked a new item. Complete the Tomb for the first time.
Champions (Tomb) Champions (Tomb) New boss champions. Defeat all bosses from the second chapter (all Tomb bosses, including Raging Long Legs).
Maxwell's Horn Maxwell's Horn Unlocked a new item. Defeat Maxwell's champion version.
Mirror Bombs Achievement MirrorBombs Unlocked a new item. Defeat one of the Narcissus bosses.
Achievement penance
Unlocked a new item. Defeat Mom as Sarah.
Achievement ophanim
Unlocked a new item. Defeat Mom's Heart as Sarah.
Lil Michael
Achievement lilmichael
Unlocked a new item. Defeat Hush as Sarah.
Pilgrim's Ward
Achievement pilgrimsward
Unlocked a new item. Defeat ??? as Sarah.
Heavenly Bell
Achievement heavenlybell
Unlocked a new item. Defeat The Lamb as Sarah.
Broken Oar
Achievement brokenoar
Unlocked a new item. Defeat Mom as Charon.
Death Mask
Achievement deathsmask
Unlocked a new item. Defeat Mom's Heart as Charon
Wandering Soul
Achievement wanderingsoul
Unlocked a new item. Defeat Hush as Charon
Ferryman's Toll
Achievement ferrymanstoll
Unlocked a new item. Defeat ??? as Charon
Ghastly Flame
Achievement ghastlyflame
Unlocked a new item. Defeat The Lamb as Charon

