Team Revelations is the development team behind The Binding of Isaac: Revelations.
The team is made up of the following Steam users. This list is constantly updated as new team members are added.
- Ashkal - Founder, Spriter
- Sentinel - Founder, Coder
- Anonymous_Koala - Designer, Community Manager
- melon - Designer
- Boogs - Community Manager
- Filloax - Coder
- DeadInfinity - Coder
- Gavitro - Coder
- piber20 - Coder
- budj - Coder
- Blor - Spriter
- JonTheRealJon - Spriter
- Quartz - Spriter
- NotYourSagittarius - Spriter
- Origami - Spriter
- THX - Spriter
- Baicherra - Spriter
- minichibis - Spriter
- Gummy - Spriter
- Bustin Blotch - Spriter
- SnakeBlock - Spriter
- Vermin - Spriter
- wertandrew - Music and SFX
- HappyHead - SFX
- jerb - Lead Tester
- BulletDuDe - Tester
- Kindaloveable - Tester
- Grynn - Tester
- Electoon - Tester
- Most members in the Revelations credits show a flavor text next to their name when hovered over.